Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Letter to the Planning Commission, Bridgepointe Ice Skating Rink

Dear Chair, Vice Chair and Commissioners,

I am here tonight to remind you, once again, how important this issue is to this community and to ask that you do everything in your power to bring back an ice rink for use by the citizens of San Mateo. For those of you who missed the beginning of the struggle to regain what was promised the people in our community, it has been a long, relentless battle against a company who cares more about the bottom line than maintaining the spirit and meaning of its agreement with our City.

Many who have been here before could not be here tonight and others are frustrated at the length of the process and lack of results. This makes sense.

The loss for the children who were growing up engaged in an activity they cherished and lost the opportunity to practice is heartbreaking and I hope this will not have to continue for another generation. But we are running out of time if something is truly going to change for the better in this fight.

It has been many years now since the applicant begin this campaign to substitute retail for recreation. At one early meeting I brought my newborn son. He is nearly three and ready to skate, provided there was a location. And no, once a year at a small, crowded rink during the winter months does not count.

Looking at the bigger picture, if the City does not enforce development agreements they have no meaning. Accepting a payoff for changes to the Master Plan, in my opinion, sends the wrong signal and sets a dangerous precedent.

I wish you would force the reopening of the Bridgepointe skating rink, because that is what seems just to me. However, if you choose to take the course of action prescribed by the applicant, do so with caution, put the money in a trust and consider all loopholes.

Ultimately, keep in mind - there is no win for most people here except a permanent ice skating rink. Please make that happen, somehow.

And finally, this time, whatever you decide, make the agreement ironclad and beyond negotiation. The future of our City is depending on it.

Thank you