Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Letter to the Planning Commission, PA17-034

Dear Planning Commission,

I am writing tonight in to support 4 changes to the existing plans for the new sewage treatment plant; size, location, decentralization and sustainability.

1)      Size
The proposed plant, 78 million gallons per day, is far larger than necessary if measures are taken to seal the laterals and mains which have failed. Shoring up the whole sewage system will result in smaller peak wet weather flow predictions, the outcome of which would be the option to reduce the size of the proposed plant’s capacity. This would result in significant savings for the city, both in terms of capital outlay but also annual maintenance expenses as a larger plants uses more energy.

2)      Location
There are key shortcomings of the proposed plant’s location. Primarily, its location at the bay front is questionable. San Mateo County has been deemed the number one county in California at risk due to sea level rise. Placing the city’s sole sewage treatment plant in the direct path of where water is projected to inundate the coast is a risky proposal. And, even if we accept the existing site is the most satisfactory under expected conditions, it is essential that the plant be elevated as much as possible in order to avoid a catastrophic citywide failure.

3)      Decentralization
The most progressive practice advanced in the area of waste water treatment today is for processing to be dispersed throughout the city. There are two key benefits to this model. One, energy use is cut down due to the decreased distance waste must be pumped for treatment, resulting in annual cost savings. Two, having several substations dramatically reduces the likelihood of a citywide failure.

4)      Sustainability
Given San Mateo has no emergency water reserves, it is critical our waste water treatment plant process water to the level it is clean enough to drink, as well as keep supply available in the case of a disaster. Having multiple plants in dispersed locations with this capability would be the safest option to ensure the health and safety of our residents in all circumstances.

Thank you for your time and consideration

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